PATF Associate Program (Interns)
Our Industry is a combination of many functions and roles. We need business administerial, marketing and management personnel as much as Design, Development and Technical.
We have introduced the HITC English / Business group to support the HITC FOOTWEAR students with their PATF Courses. As the Business group works with the Footwear Department, they will learn about the footwear industry and its product creation process. Having this experiences will help the candidates understand administerial, marketing, management and business roles in our industry
This will also build soft skills, the ability to work with and manage teams.
English / Business students will also support PATF and the College in other business operational roles.
PATF looks to build holistic people capabilities in all operational functions which can support an evolving Footwear / Fashion / Apparel Business.
We are always looking for support, knowledge and feedback.
So, contact

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