P A T F Courses creates an opportunity for participants to Be SEEN and Be KNOWN. Courses require and help participants to organize, manage and communicate as well as show their creative abilities.

P A T F Courses and Work Containers are an evolving CV which actually shows participants present,  and developing capabilities.

Our Courses follow a Product Creation Process, used in today’s manufacturing and business environment. Requiring, Research, Creating Sketches, Completing Technical Specifications, 2 3D Design Images, Storyboards, a Final Course presentation and A personal video. Courses  can also focus on specific elements of a Product Creation Process.  This allows participants to showcase their holistic skills and helps employers to decide who best meets their hiring requirements and fits their organizational structure and culture. 

P A T F  Courses will identify participants strengths and weaknesses. Helping  participants, colleges and employers make the correct learning, career development and employment placement decisions. By identifying and monitoring strengths and weaknesses, we can focus on improvement, team building and career development.

P A T F courses are for everyone, Educational Institutions, Individuals or Companies . BE SEEN, BE KNOWN.