Welcome to an Overview of PATF Footwear Course 1

Hello and welcome to PATF People are the future Online Courses.

Footwear Course, Concept to Design, is about creating new designs.

Once you have registered and joined PATF you can find all the information and formats you need to complete the course successfully, in the 4 Course Support Information Folders on the PATF Website.

This is a 5 Phase Course, and it is very important you read all the information in the 4 Course Support Information Folders, before starting the course.

In Footwear Course 1 you must create 2 Designs. 1 from a Designated Design Brief, which you will find in the Course Support Information Folder F1, and 1 from a Design Brief you must create yourself.

  • You must use environment friendly or recyclable material in one of your designs, and you can create your own Brand if you wish.

  • You must follow the course Guidelines, Timelines and detail your Technical Formats and Storyboards as requested. At the end of each Phase, you must upload all Phase work to the Phase Participant Assessment Folders.

  • You will find blank and detailed examples of all Technical Formats in the Course Information Folders F2, Course Formats.

  • Your Designs should be functional, comfortable, and attractive.

Please use English where possible.

You will have 60 days to complete the course once you have joined and started Phase 1.

There is a Course Timeline Plan in Course Support Folder F1 which will help you complete the course within the timelines.

You should complete each Phase before starting the next Phase,  Starting at Phase 1 and then 2 3 4 5 keeping in numerical order.

Please enjoy this PATF Course.