Event: Icad3d+ Seminar Presentation

  • PATF and HITC have been working with Icad3D+ since 2021.
  • RED21 the sister company and ISM their Asian agents have supported Colleges with licensing and training.
  • HITC now have Icad3D+ courses including Virtual Sampling.

Contact bryan.a@patf.global yan.z@patf.global to learn more.

  • There will be presentations/demos throughout the day with a seminar between 1PM-3PM. Showing the total program from design 2/3D, patterns, consumption, costing, Virtual Sampling.

Attend and really understand Icad3D+, PATF Courses and the benefits they can bring to you.

Company or Individually.

  • The Red21/ISM/Icad3D+/ PATF team will help you to start and build your Icad3D+ platform. Step by Step and in-house.
  • We can help you plan this build keeping to a financial plan and your present capabilities to suit you and your business.
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